An Alexander Technique Approach to Musicians’ Injuries
This ebook uses the Alexander Technique principles of good postural use and great technique to get performing musicians out of physical trouble and keep them out of trouble. The sections of this ebook are: The Back, The Neck, The Shoulders, The Pelvis and Hip Joints, The Wrists, The Fingers, The Knees, The Jaw, Making Singing or Playing Easy, and Guided Whole Body Release before Practicing or Playing. It is the intention of this ebook to help the performing musician find the most mechanically advantageous ways to play or sing. This ebook is filled with concepts that will help you the performing musician find a way to perform, so that playing or singing are easier and kinder to your body.
Ethan Kind is a former concert guitarist who used the Alexander Technique to heal carpal tunnel pain in his left wrist and never had physical problems on the guitar again. He has also been an athlete all of his life. Please contact Mr. Kind if you have any questions about this ebook, suggestions that would make this ebook clearer and more expansive, or suggestions for other ebooks that you would like to see him write about. Mr. Kind can be reached at and
This book is 33 pages